Wir suchen nach Gastronomie Personal

Event Restaurantjobs Berlin, Barjobs und Catering-Jobs sowie offene Jobs in Berlin Mitte! Für unser buntes, verrücktes Team in der Knutschfleck Bar Berlin suchen wir Servicekräfte, Kellnerinnen, Servicekräfte, Barkräfte, Restaurantkräfte, Cafékräfte, Cateringkräfte und Küchenkräfte. Du bist Kellnerin, Servicekraft, Barkeeperin, Barkeeperin, Barkeeperin, Thekenarbeiterin, Zapfkraft, Thekenpersonal, Bedienung, Servicekraft, Läuferin, Konditorin, Konditorin oder möchtest es werden? Wir suchen Barpersonal,…
Service staff wanted

Service staff wanted. Flexible working hours, event location. We are looking for talented and motivated service staff to strengthen our team. We offer a competitive salary and one of the best locations to earn really good tips. as well as those who work directly on 3 stages in the heart of Berlin with many different…
Call out Barkeeper of Berlin !

Are you a barkeeper in Berlin ? The trendiest cult bar with a variety cocktail bar and club is looking for bartenders, bartenders, bar staff, counter staff, tappers, counter staff and people with experience in preparing drinks. We are looking for you for our international team. Would you like to work in an international team…
We are looking for nice waitresses

We are looking for talented and motivated service staff to strengthen our team. We offer a competitive salary and one of the best locations to earn really good tips. as well as the opportunity to work directly on 3 stages in the heart of Berlin with many different artists such as showgirls, aerial acrobats, dancers,…
We are looking for Gastronomic staff

Hey SweeetisGuess what? The moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived! 🎉 Our little gem, the „Knutschfleckberlin,“ the most colorful and diverse spot in all of Berlin, is finally opening its doors! Now, we’re on the lookout for a one-of-a-kind, vibrant, crazy, and special team for the bar and service – and that’s where…
We are looking for waitresses

Fun at work ? The trendiest cult bar with a variety cocktail bar and club is looking for bartenders, bartenders, bar staff, counter staff, tappers, counter staff, waiters, waitresses, service staff, service workers and runners in Berlin Mitte at Alexanderplatz. We are looking for you for our international team, you want to work in a…
We are looking for bar tenders

The trendiest cult bar with a varied cocktail bar and club is looking for bartenders, bartenders, bar staff, counter staff, tappers, counter staff and people with experience in preparing drinks. We are looking for you to join our international team. Would you like to work in an international team with great bartenders and bartenders? Then…
We are looking for new waitresses

The trendiest cult bar with a variety cocktail bar and club is looking for bartenders, bartenders, bar staff, counter staff, tappers, counter staff, waiters, waitresses, service staff, service workers and runners in Berlin Mitte at Alexanderplatz. We are looking for you for our international team, you want to work in a bar team with great…
We are looking for waitresses

We are looking for talented and motivated service staff to strengthen our team. We offer a competitive salary and the opportunity to work alongside all of our artists at various stages in the heart of Berlin. If you are a hardworking person with a good personality, this will of course be reflected in your tips….
We’re looking for new waitresses

Are you looking for a cool job in Mitte Berlin? Our event restaurant offers a fair salary and a lot of fun on top of it. Apply today at Info@knutschfleckberlin.de Website: http://www.knutschfleckberlin.de Positions: waiters, service staff, counter workers, bartenders, gastronomy training, event manager. Second location: http://www.wildematilde.de