Dancers wanted for our stages

Big CASTING & OPEN AUDITION for Dancers IN BERLIN for all type of styles and performances. You are able to apply at We offer three large Berlin Variete Show Stages and Show Theaters directly under the Berlin TV Tower. We are looking for show dancers from any genre. You dance modern dance, show dance,…

Service Personal gesucht

We are looking for talented, motivated service staff to strengthen our team. We offer a competitive salary and one of the best Locations to earn real good tip money, as well. as the opportunity to work directly on 3 stages in the heart of Berlin around may different type of artists like showgirls, air acrobats,…

Artists wanted in Berlin !

musician, dancer, artist, artist duo, Artists, singers, travesty, comedians, aerial artists, show girls, burlesque acts, show acts, contortionists, contortionists, solo entertainers, moderators, attractions, entertainers, DJs, curiosities and show talents wanted in Berlin. we look forward to musicians with saxophone, violin, trumpet, fiddle, accordion, guitar, pan flute or other solo instruments for our colorful shows and…

Tanz Auditions für Berliner Showbühnen

Du Tanzt aus Leidenschaft und skill und wolltest schonmal mit deinem Hobby auf regulärer Basis auf Berlins Showbühnen stehen und dafür dann auch noch bezahlt werden dann bewerbe dich bei uns ! Big Dancer CASTING & OPEN AUDITION IN BERLIN für alle Tanzstile und Performer. Drei Große Berliner Variete Show Stages und  Show Theater direkt…

Gastronomy workers wanted in Berlin

We are looking for talented, motivated catering staff to strengthen our team. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package, as well as the opportunity to work directly on 3 stages in the heart of Berlin. Anyway, if you are a hardworking person with a good personality we will welcome you who are looking for…

Musicians wanted !

We are looking for talented musicians/newcomers of all kinds to join our team and our three stages in the heart of Berlin (singers, saxophonists, moderation, violin, guitar… , who are looking for a challenging and rewarding career, we would like to hear from you at

Großes Casting

Am 16. Oktober findet eine Open Audition bei uns statt: Wir suchen Künster:innen & Talente aller Art für unsere 3 bunten Bühnen!