Open Audition / Casting at the Knutschfleck ! 16.10.2024.

Big CASTING & OPEN AUDITION IN BERLIN ON THE 16.October 2024, for ARTISTS, SHOWACTS, Burlesque, Dancer, ARTISTS, ENTERTAINERS, TRAVESTY, SINGERS, SINGER, DANCERS (F/M) For 3 Berlin variety show stages, artists, entertainers, singers, show acts, burlesque, comedy, artists, dancers, curiosities, talents, show acts, aerial silk, diabolo, circus artists, magicians, magicians, travesty, comedy, burlesque shows, soap bubbles,…
Big Casting at the Knutschfleck at 16.10.2024

Big CASTING & OPEN AUDITION IN BERLIN ON THE 16.October 2024, for ARTISTS, SHOWACTS, Burlesque, Dancer, ARTISTS, ENTERTAINERS, TRAVESTY, SINGERS, SINGER, DANCERS (F/M) For 3 Berlin variety show stages, artists, entertainers, singers, show acts, burlesque, comedy, artists, dancers, curiosities, talents, show acts, aerial silk, diabolo, circus artists, magicians, magicians, travesty, comedy, burlesque shows, soap bubbles,…
Big Open Artists audition 16.10.2024

Big CASTING & OPEN AUDITION IN BERLIN ON THE 16.October 2024, for ARTISTS, SHOWACTS, Burlesque, Dancer, ARTISTS, ENTERTAINERS, TRAVESTY, SINGERS, SINGER, DANCERS (F/M) For 3 Berlin variety show stages, artists, entertainers, singers, show acts, burlesque, comedy, artists, dancers, curiosities, talents, show acts, aerial silk, diabolo, circus artists, magicians, magicians, travesty, comedy, burlesque shows, soap bubbles,…
Open Artist Audition at the Knutschfleckberlin

Big CASTING & OPEN AUDITION IN BERLIN ON THE 16.October 2024, for ARTISTS, SHOWACTS, Burlesque, Dancer, ARTISTS, ENTERTAINERS, TRAVESTY, SINGERS, SINGER, DANCERS (F/M) For 3 Berlin variety show stages, artists, entertainers, singers, show acts, burlesque, comedy, artists, dancers, curiosities, talents, show acts, aerial silk, diabolo, circus artists, magicians, magicians, travesty, comedy, burlesque shows, soap bubbles,…
Open Audition on the 16.10.2024

#OPENAUDITION, ,#casting, #offenesCasting, #CastingBerlin, #Burlesque, #newburlesque,#neonburlesqu,e #polesque ,#boylesuqe, #glamouresburlesque, #comedyburlesque, #cabarett, #cabarettgirl, #burlesquegirl, #burlesquecasting,#burlesquedancer, #burlesqueperformer, #burlesqueartist, #choreography, #choreographer, #Burlesquetancer, #Burlesquestar, #burlesqueshow, #burlesquejob, #burlesqueartist, #burlesqueartist, #Singercasting, #Singercasting,#ARTISTcasting, #AerialSilk, #Diabolo, #SHOWACTScasting, #KÜNSTLERcasting, #Tänzercasting, #Tänzerincasting, #Dancercasting, #BerlinerVaritecasting, #Bühnecasting, #Stagecasting, #Knutschfleckcasting, #Knutschfleckberlincasting, #wildematildecasting, #Comedycasting, #Artistscasting, #Talentecasting,#Talentscasting, #Magiciancasting,#Travestycasting, #Comediancasting, #Burlesqueshowcasting, #Burlesquedancercasting,#Bubblecasting, #Ballooncasting, #Entertainercasting, #Pantomimecasting, ,#Entertainercasting,#Soloentertainercasting, #Ilusionistcasting,,#LEDPerformercasting, #Aerialartistcasting, #Flooracrobatcasting, #Contortioncasting,#Clothartistcasting, ,#Ringartistcasting…
Casting for Showacts

Big CASTING & OPEN AUDITION IN BERLIN ON THE 16.October 2024, for ARTISTS, SHOWACTS, Burlesque, Dancer, ARTISTS, ENTERTAINERS, TRAVESTY, SINGERS, SINGER, DANCERS (F/M) For 3 Berlin variety show stages, artists, entertainers, singers, show acts, burlesque, comedy, artists, dancers, curiosities, talents, show acts, aerial silk, diabolo, circus artists, magicians, magicians, travesty, comedy, burlesque shows, soap bubbles,…
Artist Audition at the Knutschfleck !!!

CASTING Big CASTING & OPEN AUDITION IN BERLIN ON THE 16.October 2024, for ARTISTS, SHOWACTS, Burlesque, Dancer, ARTISTS, ENTERTAINERS, TRAVESTY, SINGERS, SINGER, DANCERS (F/M) For 3 Berlin variety show stages, artists, entertainers, singers, show acts, burlesque, comedy, artists, dancers, curiosities, talents, show acts, aerial silk, diabolo, circus artists, magicians, magicians, travesty, comedy, burlesque shows, soap…
Open Audition / Casting on the 16.10.2024

#OPENAUDITION, ,#casting, #offenesCasting, #CastingBerlin, #Burlesque, #newburlesque,#neonburlesqu,e #polesque ,#boylesuqe, #glamouresburlesque, #comedyburlesque, #cabarett, #cabarettgirl, #burlesquegirl, #burlesquecasting,#burlesquedancer, #burlesqueperformer, #burlesqueartist, #choreography, #choreographer, #Burlesquetancer, #Burlesquestar, #burlesqueshow, #burlesquejob, #burlesqueartist, #burlesqueartist, #Singercasting, #Singercasting,#ARTISTcasting, #AerialSilk, #Diabolo, #SHOWACTScasting, #KÜNSTLERcasting, #Tänzercasting, #Tänzerincasting, #Dancercasting, #BerlinerVaritecasting, #Bühnecasting, #Stagecasting, #Knutschfleckcasting, #Knutschfleckberlincasting, #wildematildecasting, #Comedycasting, #Artistscasting, #Talentecasting,#Talentscasting, #Magiciancasting,#Travestycasting, #Comediancasting, #Burlesqueshowcasting, #Burlesquedancercasting,#Bubblecasting, #Ballooncasting, #Entertainercasting, #Pantomimecasting, ,#Entertainercasting,#Soloentertainercasting, #Ilusionistcasting,,#LEDPerformercasting, #Aerialartistcasting, #Flooracrobatcasting, #Contortioncasting,#Clothartistcasting, ,#Ringartistcasting…
Big Casting & Open Audition (16.10.2024)

Big CASTING & OPEN AUDITION IN BERLIN ON THE 16.October 2024, for ARTISTS, SHOWACTS, Burlesque, Dancer, ARTISTS, ENTERTAINERS, TRAVESTY, SINGERS, SINGER, DANCERS (F/M) For 3 Berlin variety show stages, artists, entertainers, singers, show acts, burlesque, comedy, artists, dancers, curiosities, talents, show acts, aerial silk, diabolo, circus artists, magicians, magicians, travesty, comedy, burlesque shows, soap bubbles,…
A good 100 years ago a colourful and dazzling time began, which was culturally expressed in variety shows. These shows then and still today consisted of mosaic-like composed smaller performances – artistic, artistic and musical – which form a whole exciting loud show. But where can you throw yourself back into those beautiful times and…