Birthday, bachelor party berlin

Your birthday, bachelor party, girls’ night, team event, company party, wedding anniversary, company event, summer party, Christmas party or JGA in Berlin. Celebrate your event in the hottest party bar with adventure restaurant, night club and variety show Knutschfleck Berlin. Enjoy Berlin cuisine, GDR dishes or German cuisine such as original Berlin currywurst, gold broiler, ragout fin, knuckle of pork, Königsberger dumplings and Jäger Schnitzel. The event in Berlin on Friday evening and Saturday evening with artists, acrobats, singers, a dance show and live music and club night with DJ is unique in Germany. The party bar, event location, cocktail bar, restaurant, adventure bar, adventure restaurant, variety show, burlesque bar, show bar is for every bachelorette party, Christmas party, summer party, birthday, team event, company party, family celebration, premiere, gala, company party, fashion, location, company event, B2B, wedding day, meeting, incentives, B2C the event location in Berlin. Get your experience voucher, birthday present, bachelor party package, value voucher, experience voucher. Ticket, party package, JGA package, birthday package, company package, cocktail course, gin tasting, burlesque show, gin menu, candle light dinner.
You want to rent the best event location in Berlin and event location? Also very popular for booking large groups and group events and company outings to Berlin and other events in Berlin. Your VIP party in Berlin Mitte directly under the Berlin TV Tower. reservation at

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