Experience vouchers

In the Knutschfleck Cocktailbar Berlin you can plan among other things with our JGA packages the best hen party or that of your loved ones.But also our other great party offers, party packages Berlin, discounts, tickets Berlin, experience vouchers in Berlin or JGA packages turn your unique evening into your unforgettable experience in Berlin!On Saturday…

Cult meets cocktail bar

Partying, celebrating in Berlin Berlin’s most beautiful party location Knutschfleck Bar at Alexanderplatz. The Knutschfleck cocktail bar with variety show, restaurant and burlesque bar is the popular bar in Berlin for bachelor parties, birthdays, company parties, team events, team building, anniversaries, galas, B2B, B2C, fashion, presentations, fashion shows, meetings, weddings, bachelorette parties, proms, bachelorette parties,…

Group activities Gift packages

Celebrate the best bachelor parties, birthdays, company parties and team events in Berlin every Friday and Saturday. For every occasion and for every party, there is now just the right party package, birthday package, company package, stag party package, the right birthday voucher, gift voucher, voucher, gift voucher or tickets for you. Berlin celebrates the…

Voucher experiences for the whole Group

Freitag Party in Berlin Knutschfleck Berlin Varieté, Knutschfleck Party Bar Berlin, Knutschfleck Bar Berlin, Knutschfleck Berlin Varieté Bar, Junggesellinnenabschied Party Berlin, JGA Pakete Berlin, Firmenfeier, Teamevent, Geburtstag, Junggesellenabschied Angebote, JGA Idee, Mädelsabend, Jahresfeier, Neujahrsfeier, Knutschfleck Bar unter dem Berliner Fernsehturm, Junggesellenabschied Pakete, Geburtstags Pakete, Gutschein, Geschenk, Tickets Berlin, Abendprogramm Berlin, Veranstaltungen in Berlin, Veranstaltungskalender, Weihnachtsfeier, Weihnachtsgutschein, Geschenkidee, Knutschfleckberlin, Knutschfleck, Bars, Bar, Bar near me, Club, JGA, Party Bilder Berlin, Gutscheine, Angebote, Pakete, Partybar, Restaurants für Gruppen Bars für Gruppen, Party Club Berlin, Partylocation, B2B, B2C, Firmenpaket, clubbing, Biergarten, Geburtstagsparty, Tickets, EintrittFrei, Nigthlife Berlin, Geburtstag Paket, Event, Teamevents, Restaurant, Deutsche Küche, Party Freitag, Party Samstag, Berlin, Nightclub, Kick Off Event, Incentiv, Get together, Mädelsabend, Disco, Discothek, Teamevent, Teamabend, Aftershowparty, Junggesellenabschied, AlexanderplatzEventlocation, Betriebsfeier, Livemusic, Cocktailbar, Cocktailbar Berlin, BarAlexanderplatz Show BarBerlin Firmenfeier Cocktailworkshop Burlesque Bar Cocktailkurs, Gutscheine Variete, Hochzeitstag, Gruppenevents, Touristenattraktion, Hennaabend Concierge Erlebnisgastronomie Event Partybilder Partyvideos Influencer Betriebsfeier, Firmenfeier, PartylocationNr1, toplocationberlin, Terrasse, Barnearme, GinTasting, Cocktailkurs, Showgirls Berlin, Deutsche Küche, BestBarBerlin, Eventlocation, Kick Off Berlin, Variete, teamabend. Gutscheine, Weihnachtsfeier, Firmenfeier, Tickets Berlin, Gutschein, Gutscheine in Berlin, Erlebnisse in Berlin, Weihnachtsgutscheine, Incentivs, B2B, Gruppenevents, Erlebnisgutschein, Tickets, Geschenkgutschein, Geschenkidee, Geburtstagsgutschein, Bars, Ginbar, Gin Bar mieten, Cocktailbar mieten, Barkeeper mieten, Gutschein, Gutscheine in Berlin, Erlebnisse in Berlin, Weihnachtsgutscheine, JGA Angebote, Tickets, Geschenkgutschein, Geschenkidee, Geburtstagsgutschein, Gutschein für Cocktailkurs, Cocktailkursgutschein, Cocktailworkshop-Gutschein, Cocktailgutschein, Gutschein für Variete in Berlin, Show-Gutschein, Gutschein für einen Showabend, Gutschein für Showdinner, Burlesque Tanzkurs Gutschein, Burlesquekurs- Gutschein, Gutschein für ein Gin Tasting in Berlin, Gin Tasting- Gutschein, Gutschein für ein candle light dinner berlin, Tickets für Variete Show in Berlin, Berlin Erlebnis- Restaurant am Alexanderplatz, verrückteste Bar in Berlin, Eventlocation in Berlinwohin in berlin, wohin Freitag in berlin, party machen berlin, party Freitag in berlin, party feiern berlin, wo gibts die beste Party in Berlin, was geht in berlin, was geht ab in berlin, schön weggehen in berlin, Abendprogramm berlin, was darf man nicht verpassen in berlin, tanzen gehen in berlin, beste idee für Abends in berlin, beste cocktailbar berlin, wo gibt es die besten cocktails in berlin, Ausgehen in berlin, beste Unterhaltung in berlin, Was sollte man in berlin machen, was muss ich in berlin erleben, Veranstaltungen berlin, Veranstaltungen am WE in berlin, Veranstaltungen am Wochenende in berlin, Veranstaltungen am Freitag in berlin, Tickets Berlin, Party bar berlin, beste bar berlin, bar in meiner nähe, coolste bar berlin, angesagteste Bar berlin, Tanzen in berlin, bar mit Livemusik berlin, bar am Alexanderplatz, Weinachtsfeier Berlin, Weinachtsfeier idee Berlin, Weinachtsfeier Location Berlin, Beste Eventlocation Berlin, Eventlocation zéntral berlin, Firmenfeier Location berlin, firmenfeier idee, firmenpakete, Betriebsfeier , Teamevent Berlin, Teamevent idee berlin, teambuilding berlin, teambuilding idee berlin, Geburtstag feiern berlin, Geburtstag idee berlin, Geburtstags bar, Geburtstags Geschenk idee, Geburtstags party idee, Geburtstags Partybar berlin, Tanz bar berlin, aussergewöhnliche bar, top bars berlin, top ten bars berlin, burlesque bar berlin, show bar berlin, Junggesellenabschied berlin, Junggesellenabschied idee berlin, JGA Party berlin, jga Pakete berlin, beste Idee für Junggesellenabschied in berlin, Junggesellenabschied party idee berlin, Mädelsabend idee berlin, beste idee für Mädelsabend berlin, Hochzeitstag feiern ín berlin, Hochzeitstag idee berlin

Cocktail course, fun experiences for the whole group. Looking for a fun and unique way to spend an evening? Then our cocktail course is the right place for you! Learn how to mix drinks like a pro and impress your friends at your next party. Our experienced bartenders will teach you everything you need to…

Dj/ Lightechnicians wanted

We are looking for lighting technicians, lighting students, lighting technician professionals, career changers or DJs who have experience with lighting and stage or lighting programs. For our small variety show stage and show family in the Knutschfleck Variete Berlin, we are looking for cool people who want to rock the stage with us and enchant…

Knutschfleck fancy Cocktailbar event restaurant in Berlin !

In the Knutschfleck Cocktailbar Berlin you can, among other things, plan the best bachelor party or that of your loved ones with our JGA packages. With the “Flotte Lotte” package, for example, you can experience an unforgettable evening with your friends at a unique variety show. We have other birthday vouchers for your birthday party…

Knutschfleck BarBerlin Cocktail Course Voucher

At the Knutschfleck Berlin Cocktailbar you can learn how to shake cocktails and create shots and gin creations in our cocktail workshop with professional bartenders. So you will definitely be the star at the next party. Give away the value coupon or ticket for a cocktail course, adventure coupon for a cocktail course, coupon for…

Gift vouchers for experiences in Berlin

The best gift you can give your loved ones is time together. Our gift vouchers are definitely the right gift idea for every occasion. Whether a value voucher for a colourful show evening, a ticket for a variety show, a gift voucher, a gift certificate for an entertainment programme, party package, JGA package, party voucher,…

Cocktail course experience voucher from the Knutschfleck Berlin

Cocktail course experience voucher from the Knutschfleck Berlin Become the star at any party and show casual bartending skills! At the best cocktail course in Berlin at the Knutschfleck Cocktail Bar on Alexanderplatz you will get the necessary know-how to impress your friends and acquaintances like a professional bartender. Perfect for occasions like JGA, birthday,…

Gambas All You Can Eat at the karaoke evening at Knutschfleck Berlin

Gambas All You Can Eat at the karaoke evening at Knutschfleck Berlin Singing into the microphone with your best friends in a karaoke bar and enjoying delicious cocktails in trendy bars on Alexanderplatz. You can also enjoy typical Berlin dishes and hearty meals. And for scampi lovers there is a great offer: „Gambas All You…

Großes Casting

Am 16. Oktober findet eine Open Audition bei uns statt: Wir suchen Künster:innen & Talente aller Art für unsere 3 bunten Bühnen!