Event location Berlin Mitte the Knutschfleck Berlin with cocktail bar at Alexanderplatz

If you are looking for a location, restaurant, bar, event location or cocktail bar for an event, birthday, hen party, Christmas party, farewell party, engagement, wedding anniversary, anniversary, company party, team event, team building or other party, Knutschfleck Berlin is the right place for you. Just have a look at our homepage www.Knutschfleckberlin.de and remember to make a reservation. Watch out because now there is always the best live concert series in Berlin on Wednesdays, the Erdbeerclub. In keeping with the summer, we are serving you the new live concert and party series with exciting concerts of a wide variety of music styles such as electroswing, rockabilly, folk, blues, indie, alternative, rock n roll, pop, rock, jazz, hip hop, funk, soul, Latin, psycedelic to old school and cool jam sessions. Yes, the school and university days have a new mountain festival the Wednesday will now be fruity and fresh in Berlin. Experience musicians up close and enjoy cool cocktails with friends with live music in the beer garden or at the grill in Knutschfleck on Alexanderplatz. In Knutschfleck Berlin, get to know people, sing, dance, have fun. Larger groups, tour groups, school trips or group trips are always welcome.

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